Don't forget the Novena to the holy Spirit!
The Feast of the Ascension, also known as Ascension of the Lord is a Holy Day of Obligation.
Blessings on this Feast of the Ascension of our Lord! “…as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him from their sight.” Acts 1:9
Today, we celebrate the Ascension Day of Our Lord Jésus. It is the moment in the New Testament, when having lived during 40 days with His Apostles to confirm them in their faith in Him as Lord, Jesus Resuscitated goes up in His Glory to Heaven.
Before leaving, Jesus promised to them send the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, for strengthen them so that they undertake the mission that He confided to them (as well as to every baptized) : evangelizing the world.
Scriptures attest that: The disciples waited in unity and prayer during the nine days following the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus in Heaven. Jesus has asked to pray constantly in the Upper House upper chamber until the descent of the Holy Spirit.the Holy Spirit's Coming.
Also, the Apostles “They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.” – Acts 1:14, waiting to be "clothed with a top coming force" ( Luke 24, 49)..
Don't be afraid to seize the great graces offered to us by this Novena to the Holy Spirit during the nine days which separate the Ascension Day of the Pentecost. That is, for this year: 14 to 23 May 2015