Great Novena To The Immaculate Conception

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu

Great Novena To The Immaculate Conception

Blessed and encouraged by His Holiness Pope Francis

Great Novena to the Immaculate Conception


Each year, the Catholic Church invites us to turn to the Immaculate Conception in these first days of Advent.


At this end of the year 2018, let us all bear in mind that our Blessed Mother invites us to pray with our hearts for the Body of Her Son: the Church (Pope, Clergy, consecrated laity and all the faithful).


So let us turn away from the enemy of our souls, let us avoid his poisoned arrows, let us not want to judge anyone. But let us beg that the Light of the Spirit may help each of us to make a good examination of conscience during these days of preparation for the Feast of our Heavenly Mother, so that under the cover of Her Immaculate Coat, we may make a good Confession in her honour and for obtain all the Graces She has prepared for us on this occasion.


With our children and loved ones, let us honour Mary by preparing the Great Feast of Saturday, December 8, 2018, which will be doubly Marian!


Prayer from November 30 to December 8

1) Recite : 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, 1 Glory...




followed by 3 times the invocation:

"O Mary, conceived without sin, pray

for us who have recourse to You".


2) A Communion on the day of December 8 or on a day of the octave.

Confession recommended.


3) PRAYER (to be said every day of the novena)


O Mary, Virgin Most Pure, whose Immaculate Heart must triumph, watch over the purity of the innocent children, assist the young people who struggle to live chastity so that their hearts may burn with of the true love.


Guide the spouses called to live conjugal love in holiness, give priests and religious to provide a beautiful testimony by their fidelity to the celibacy offered to Jesus for the salvation of souls.


Defend us from the prince of this world and his suggestions. Help us to fight, especially through the rosary, what disfigures the humanity that God willed in his image.


Be the guardian of our inner life and teach us to be attentive to our brothers and sisters, always respected and looked into the light of Christ.



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