Exhortation to Timothy - Fr Melvin - Tuesday, October 29, 2013 … Treat all men and women as your brothers and sisters ...

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu


… Do not be afraid to speak to people about Me, for many are waiting to hear the truth. You will suffer at times but do not worry



New data by Father Melvin



          I went to visit a number of Catholic Churches yesterday afternoon with my friends. We have many beautiful churches here in Prince Edward Island.


Exhortation to Timothy


          A reading from Saint Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy (2 Tim 1, 6 – 18):

          For this reason, I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord, nor of me, a prisoner for his sake; but bear your share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.

He saved us and called us to a holy life, not according to our works but according to his own design and the grace bestowed on us in Christ Jesus before time began, but now made manifest through the appearance of our savior Christ Jesus, who destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, for which I was appointed preacher and apostle and teacher.

On this account I am suffering these things; but I am not ashamed, for I know him in whom I have believed and am confident that he is able to guard what has been entrusted to me until that day. Take as your norm the sound words that you heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Guard this rich trust with the help of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us.

You know that everyone in Asia deserted me, including Phygelus and Hermogenes. May the Lord grant mercy to the family of Onesiphorus because he often gave me new heart and was not ashamed of my chains. But when he came to Rome, he promptly searched for me and found me. May the Lord grant him to find mercy from the Lord on that day. And you know very well the services he rendered in Ephesus.


Below you will find the message of Our Lord, the Son of God, given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,


          ” Stir into flame the gift of God that you have received, My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters. You are all to testify on My behalf, knowing that I am your Savior and the Son of God. Do not be afraid to speak to people about Me, for many are waiting to hear the truth. You will suffer at times but do not worry because I suffered much, and at the end I died on the cross but three days after I was resurrected from the dead. I want you all to live a holy life by making use of the graces I am giving you, especially after My resurrection from the dead. I have destroyed death and brought life for you. Read every day the words of the Gospels for these show how much I love you and you have to trust in Me. If you repent of your sins, I will grant you mercy and forgiveness and I will come and live in your heart. I want you all with Me. I bless you all. » 




Publié dans Messages P.Doucette

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