Jean, your messenger of the Light: meet God - 07 03 2013-

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu

… Generally, it is in unexpectedly and unpredictable way that Lord God enters your life. The Lord does not see things as you can perceive them …



By this message, Jean addresses each of us who, somehow or other, met God. He asks us to love God and our next one.


Message of teaching intended for the groups of prayers



 « My beloved brothers and sisters, 



             There is in the pathways of each of you, striking moments which can transform your life. This transformation comes to fruition following events of which at that time, you could not measure completely the importance, but of which your memory keeps nevertheless an indelible imprint. Afterward, a lot of others circumstances came to confirm the depth of what had arrived at you. He can involve an important encounter, a health problem or still a loss of a dear being. This event can mark you for ever and commit you to act resolutely for the good of others and nothing more will be from now on as before.


Generally, it is in unexpectedly and unpredictable way that Lord God enters your life. The Lord does not see things as you can perceive them. For example He chose David to be a king and of which nobody thought. Jacob made a strange dream for discover that he was in a holy place. To Marie, the angel Gabriel announces her that she will have a son while he's a Virgin. Lord Jesus opens the Scriptures to the followers of Emmaus who recognize him by the fraction of the bread. So in the Holly Gospel you will discover there a multitude of narratives, often associated to what you can live.


In the Old Testament, the expression "know God" cross all the Bible. There is enchainment between action and Word of God when He makes present. This action takes the shape of God's free and free intervention in the history of men, for their safety or for their destruction in certain cases where the devil was master. God spoke by his prophets to express the events and make God's revelation.  


The New Testament it is the relation of Lord Jesus to his Father. He came unto his own, and all have not recognized him, but you know God because you love.  The real experience of God is well leading you towards your next one. The more you advance in the world of the knowledge of God and more in a way you will relativist better the circumstances of your temporal life. 


This is because you love the Lord God that you would consider it is normal you love, help and protect your next one, without taking into account the skin color, its culture and its religion. Think that persons gave their life and still give it for the others. The Lord Jesus said well: what you will have made for the smallest of mine who are my brethren, it is to me that you did.


To meet with God, it is communicate what you are. God nobody has ever seen him - or known - but the son who is in the Breast of the Father made him to you known and you show you know God - or you live of God - because you love one another, because the one who don't love cannot know God who is any Love.


  God created man in his own image. He created you and you are unique. He is interested in you and longs to have a personal relationship with you. He offers you the eternal life and for you He has a wonderful plan.


With all your family of the heavens, under the Light of Father Eternal, all the Love of Lord Jesus, His mom the Blessed Virgin Mary, I bless you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Jean, your messenger of Hope "




William, I am very late, also I may not refine more the translation for you. However the text is understandable.

God blesses



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