Jesus ‘Message via John Leary - Monday, April 15, 2013 - End

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu


this vision is showing you some of the details of the coming Warning or illumination of conscience… 



Jesus said:  “My people, this vision is showing you some of the details of the coming Warning or illumination of conscience that everyone will experience all over the earth at the same time. At that time people will see their soul bodies released outside of their physical bodies, and they will be outside of time. You could see how they were flying free into the clouds, and they shared an exhilarating feeling of freedom and joy.



These souls were then drawn to My Light as they came before Me to receive their life review. After remembering their unforgiven sins, then they received their mini-judgment of either heaven, hell, or purgatory. These souls were told that if they did not change their lives, that this judgment would become their final judgment.



This experience will cause many people to seek Confession for Catholics, or a need for repentance in others. This will be a glorious time to convert those souls, if they give Me their consent by changing their lives to follow Me. Rejoice that My mercy is being granted to every soul so each soul will be given an opportunity to save his or her soul from hell.”


Alternate text goes here 


Publié dans Messages J. Leary

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