Jesus to John Leary - Monday, July 22, 2013: (St. Mary Magdalen) …P1

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu


The sexual sins of fornication and homosexual acts are very common among the people of your society …



Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast celebrates St. Mary Magdalen from whom I cast out seven demons that were possessing her. After her conversion, she became a great disciple of Mine, and she was the first person to see Me after My Resurrection. The vision of the dragonfly and the spider are examples of how the demons thrive on attacking people where they are the most vulnerable.



The sexual sins of fornication and homosexual acts are very common among the people of your society. Many people are weak to the sins of the flesh because they are seeking such pleasures, even when they may be having relations outside of the marriage bond. Since many people are having relations before marriage, this has become acceptable behavior in your society, even though it is a mortal sin.



The demons know how corrupt your society has become, so they are attacking many people who are living together without marriage. My people need to protect themselves from these demon attacks by wearing blessed sacramentals, and avoiding near occasions of sin by not living together, unless they are properly married. You are seeing pornography in many places and in suggestive movies and marketing ads.



With such temptations all around you, My people need to guard their eyes, and call on My help when you are attacked by demons with their temptations. Keep control over your body with a pure soul that is trying to avoid sin. By focusing on pleasing Me all day long, you can avoid these sinful desires.”





Publié dans Messages J. Leary

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