Jesus to John Leary - Thursday, June 06, 2013… is ...a problem when students live on campus

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu


... College life can help people, but some young people start bad addictions when they are unsupervised.…


Prayer Group:


Jesus said:

Jesus said: “My people, living at college in a dormitory carries some strong temptations for drinking alcoholic drinks together with other students. This is becoming more of a problem when students live on campus. Once students are away from their parents, they need to be more responsible for their actions. Those students, who have a strong prayer life, are stronger in avoiding occasions of sin. College life can help people, but some young people start bad addictions when they are unsupervised. Pray for your college students that they grow up as responsible citizens.”



Publié dans Messages J. Leary

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