Message de Notre Seigneur via Jabez en Action : Accept All Trials, And Pains That I Allow - Friday, 24 May 2013
Many of you ...seem to think that suffering serves no purpose. This is one of satan's lies. Suffering serves to elevate you to a state of holiness...
Children of My Divine Heart,
I Am. I Am that I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am desires to instruct you now. Open your hearts to receive Me. I desire to transform you for My glory. Surrender. Give Me permission to work in you. I have miracles to distribute. Do not block the effects of grace on your soul.
Prepare to receive Me worthily. Do not turn your backs to Me. I love you so. I love you with an everlasting love, and I desire to abide in you. What must I do to convince you of the fact that I only desire what is best for you? When will you listen to My voice, and follow My directions? Why do you persist in seeking the desires of the flesh?
You were created for My glory, and for My glory alone. All that you think, say, and do must give Me glory. Seek My most holy face. Spend time with Me each day. Do not abandon Me. Walk with Me in all obedience, and I will reward your efforts to please Me. Be faith filled. Do not doubt My ways.
Many of you suffer, and seem to think that suffering serves no purpose. This is one of satan's lies. Suffering serve to elevate you to a state of holiness. It helps you grow in wisdom, and teaches you to display compassion for others. Suffering is a means to draw you to Me.
Accept all trials, and pains that I allow in your lives. Consider them blessings, not crosses. Be patient with Me. Some day, you will come to a greater understanding of My ways. I love you, Little Ones.
I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom