Message from Jesus Given to a Chosen Child in Chicago December 23, 2012

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu





Tell My beloved children to be at peace as they await the great miracle. It is going to come even though it doesn’t seem possible. Just when everyone gives up in disgust and claims these messages are just a big hoax, then it is that the miracle will occur. Don’t wait until it’s too late to come back to the Sacraments. As I keep warning you the time of My Mercy is coming to an end and My Justice will be difficult to endure if you are not in the State of Grace. The demons will be lurking everywhere to destroy souls. Look around the world and witness all the violence and suicides. If people were close to the Lord they wouldn’t consider suicide to help them escape from a difficult situation. My children need to learn to turn to God and not alcohol and drugs when they are in distress. The enemy is there to convince you there is no other answer to your problems other than these means. My dear ones are you listening for the man chosen for these times? He will be on more tv and radio stations in the next days to come. My dear ones keep your trust and faith in the Lord as we get to the final days before the great miracle you won’t be deceived. Only God can perform this miracle to usher in your new president.



I love you, Jesus.

Publié dans Warning-C. Gallagher

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