Message from Jesus Given to a Chosen Child in Chicago December 28, 2012

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu





Tell My beloved children to stay close to the Lord and ask him to give you the grace to receive this miracle with hope and guidance for the future of your country. You will be so surprised and in bewilderment at how all this will transpire but it is about to happen as it has been predicted and prophesized. Yes, My children, as you were told you will have much to suffer in the future but this miracle will bring you a wonderful president who will help to save your country. Whatever you have to endure you will be able to cope with it knowing God is now in control and not those who have been trying to control you for years. Oh, My children, take comfort in knowing before the week ends the miracle will take place as promised. I know this is the long awaited gift you have been waiting for with so much hope and anticipation. Be at peace My children the miracle is imminent.



I love you, Jesus.

Publié dans Warning-C. Gallagher

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