Message from Jesus Given to a Chosen Child in Chicago December 29, 2012

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu


Before the day ends your miracle will take place






Tell My beloved children not to despair.  The miracle promised will happen today.  There is so much that will cause joy and hope for the future of your country and for your families.  So be sure to continue your prayers and trust in the Lord.  I would never deceive you in any way.  There are no tricks here.  I know how difficult it is for you to continue to believe since the day is here and nothing that you can see has happened yet.  That is the key My children.  So far you can't see it happening.  That doesn't mean it can't happen at this stage of the day.   I won't hold you in suspense. Before the day ends your miracle will take place that will change your lives forever.  I ask that you put your total trust in the Lord.  Don't doubt My little ones.  The enemy wants you to give up on these messages and stop believing.  It is not true little ones.  He is the deceiver.  Your miracle is in the making right now.  Trust, trust, trust.



I love you, Jesus.


Publié dans Warning-C. Gallagher

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