Message from Jesus given to a Chosen Child in Chicago January 5, 2013
Tell My beloved children the Miracle of the Sun was given to all who had the faith to believe. As you could see the sky was clear in all the states. There were no clouds anywhere. That in itself is a miracle. Some of you were disappointed that the first miracle didn't do as much as you expected. Well, My children, there are more miracles to come that will be more spectacular than this one. Each new miracle will bring about more belief and trust in these messages. Everything you have been told thus far regarding replacing this president with the one chosen for these times is true My children. I'm sorry you didn't think you saw much in the sky yesterday but if you think about it when was the last time you saw the sun spinning, pulsating and changing colors for all to see it in every state? Oh, My children, this was such a test of your faith and willingness to continue accepting the words of these messages. All I ask is that you believe what you have been told and soon all these things will be seen and will make more sense to you as they unfold. Your trust and prayers are needed in order for you to see what the very near future holds for all of you. It is positive and will make your country the best it has ever been. I want you to know that God is with you and all Heaven is counting on your trust and hope for the future.
I love you, Jesus.