Message from Jesus given to a Chosen Child in Chicago May 18, 2012 (9:32am)

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu

Tell My beloved children to always listen to their hearts.  The Holy Spirit will be prompting you in the days and weeks to come.  Open your hearts and minds and you will be given many opportunities for graces.  My dear ones, you will be needing all the graces and blessings as you can obtain in the future since there will be new changes in your lives.  Many of you won’t know how to cope if you don’t have graces to get you through the trials to come.  Pray more frequently and try to get to more Masses and Eucharistic Adoration.  Your hearts will be tested as they never have before.  Your children will need your guidance since they will be put to the test and it will be difficult for them to face the temptations and challenges in their lives.  Oh, My children, I wish I didn’t have to tell you these things but you must be prepared for what may happen.  As you were told it depends on your prayers if any of this is to be averted or stopped.  The enemy is causing chaos everywhere.  There are so many suicides among the young people.  If they had been praying and turning to the Lord in their trials, the enemy wouldn’t tempt them to take their lives and succeed in his temptations.  Oh, My dear children, you must realize by now how devious and dishonest so many of your government officials are.  They are still planning several plots to take over the country.  If they fail, they will make an excuse to have Marshall Law to keep everyone under their control.  By now you are all feeling discouraged by these messages, but look forward to the miracle that I am going to perform to get a good moral leader to get you back on track and back to the Lord.

I love you, Jesus.

Publié dans Warning-C. Gallagher

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