Message from Jesus Given to a Chosen Child in Chicago - November 18, 2012

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu





Tell My beloved children to place all their trust in My Sacred Heart and Mary's Immaculate Heart. These hearts will be your places of refuge when your life becomes difficult and you don't know where to turn. Always be aware of the presence of the Lord in your lives. He is present and wants you to reach out to Him in prayer. My dear ones, I mentioned that if you were in prayer and asked for enlightenment from the Holy Spirit you would get a glimpse of who your next president will be. Some of you already have that sense and have an idea of who he is. It won't be too much longer and everyone will know his identity. My dear children, you will still have to endure the present Administration's tactics for a while even after the man chosen for these times is in office. As you know these people will not give up even when they know they are defeated. Be prepared for anything they will try to do to get back their power. You must continue your prayers and fasting even when things are back in the control of your next president. He will still need all the help he can get.



I love you, Jesus.


Publié dans Warning-C. Gallagher

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