Message from Jesus Given to a Chosen Child in Chicago - November 6, 2012
Tell My beloved children that all is well and to be in peace. Whatever seems to be occurring in the elections regarding the main candidates won’t last. As you have been promised because of your prayers, fasting, and deep faith, the person chosen for these times will be your next president. My dear children, be prepared for major riots and bloodshed. There will be many innocent people caught up in this. Some may even lose their lives. I’m sorry to have to tell you these things, but you must be prepared for anything that may happen. My dear children, the signs of things to come are all around you. Pay attention. These may be the last signs given before My Hour of Mercy runs out. You have been told over and over and yet you don’t want to believe the signs or the words that have been given to you. The signs that have recently been given are the hurricane and fires, tornadoes, and floods throughout the world. These are the warnings and yet you continue to ignore them. What is it going to take to wake you up. Even if you have a good president, he can’t make you turn back to God. That is up to you and your free will. This may be your last chance before My Divine Justice comes upon the world. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
I love you, Jesus.