Message from Jesus Given to a Chosen Child in Chicago - November 7, 2012 ...No one will be able to challenge what will happen

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu





Tell My beloved children not to be discouraged by the results of the election.  This is all going to change in a short time.  You must continue to trust and have faith that you will still get the man chosen for these times and strong leaders to support his presidency.  I know most of you are questioning how this could ever happen considering what you now know.  The great miracle will take place and will shock not only your country but the entire world.  By then everyone will have to know that only a Divine influence could have changed this course of events.  No one will be able to challenge what will happen.  The chosen man for these times can’t wait until he can finally take his place as your next president.  There will be major climate and weather changes that will affect everyone.  More states will have tornadoes and flash floods that will destroy property and lives.  My dear children, you must continue your prayers and fasting.  There will be great suffering and you don’t know where it will strike next.  Be aware of My great Love for you and ask for My Mercy when you pray.  Remember those who are in prayer when these things occur will be protected.



I love you, Jesus

Publié dans Warning-C. Gallagher

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