Message from Jesus Given to a Chosen Child in Chicago October 13, 2012 (8:47am)
Tell My beloved children there is a lot going on behind the scenes. Some want to replace their candidate and others want to take more drastic measures. We are still going to win in spite of all their efforts to defeat their opponent. My dear ones, there are so many evil people in the Administration who have to be replaced in order to get God back into your Constitution and let the people remember who was behind the founding fathers’ ideas for your country. More prayers than ever are needed to prevent this Administration from doing more harm before they are finally defeated. As you know they won’t give up easily and will cause much suffering by their refusal to give up their power. The man chosen for these times is well aware of what he will be up against and needs your continued prayers and fasting. Continue to trust and have faith in these messages My children. Soon you will know the real truth to their authenticity.
I love you, Jesus.