Message from Jesus Given to a Chosen Child in Chicago October 3, 2012 (9:00am)

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu

Tell My beloved children to listen in the quiet of your heart when you pray.  If you sincerely pray and do all you can to surrender your prayers and intentions to Jesus and unite your sufferings with Jesus on the cross you may be able to hear a soft quiet voice in your heart encouraging you in your trials.  My dear ones, the elections will be here very soon and now the Administration is getting worried that they may lose.  Be prepared for race riots so they can call in the National Guard.  As it was mentioned earlier these are paid agitators waiting to get the word to cause tension between the races.  There will be much bloodshed and undo harm to innocent bystanders.  When these things begin to happen, stay indoors and don’t try to get involved in any way.  My dear children, it is getting close to the coming of the miracle.  There is no way to prepare for this.  It will happen when you least suspect it.  It will usher in the chosen man for these times to be your next president.  I know many of you refuse to read or believe these messages any more since you find it too hard to believe.  You will see My children, you will see.


I love you, Jesus.

Publié dans Warning-C. Gallagher

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