Message from Jesus Given to a Chosen Child in Chicago October 6, 2012 (10:57am)

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu

Tell My beloved children to call on the Name of Jesus many times throughout the day.  Tell Him how much you love Him and want to do His Holy Will.  Let Him know you want to serve Him any way you can.  He will give you many graces to do all these things if you just ask Him.  My dear ones, I want you to get to know My Precious Mother Mary.  She is your Mother also and even those of you who don’t believe She is the Mother of God because of false beliefs, She still loves all of you.  Like all mothers, She wants what is best for Her children.  She doesn’t want any praise She just wants to lead you to Her Son Jesus. My dear ones, you may be asking why would Jesus be saying these words about Himself and it is because He wants you to know love and serve God.  I AM the 2nd person of the Blessed Trinity.  My dear children, I again have to remind you of the upcoming elections.  Pay close attention to what the Administration and the Media are saying.  They are creating lie after lie to suit their agenda for being elected.  Soon the man chosen for these times will make his identity known.  Don’t be surprised if these events of the miracle and his identity don’t happen in the way you expect it to occur.  This is all in the hands of God who wants your trust and faith.


I love you, Jesus.

Publié dans Warning-C. Gallagher

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