Message from Jesus Given to a Chosen Child in Chicago October 7, 2012 (10:59am)
Tell My beloved children to save all your money since soon the banks will be closing and you won’t have any way to get your money back. As you have been told it will be more and more difficult to purchase items you may need. You must get food in so you will be prepared for any shortages that may occur. Don’t panic at these words My children. You will be protected and well prepared in time for these events happening as long as you are in prayer and place your total trust in the Lord. You will have to do without a lot of things you now take for granted but you will get used to having less. When the man chosen for these times appears on the scene and the miracle has taken place you will have more confidence and less anxiety and fear about the future. If you are praying you will be at peace. My dear ones, all these things have to happen in order for your country to turn back to God and start relying on Him and not on human resources. The time is almost here for these things to happen so stay close to the Lord in prayer and you will be in peace knowing I am with you through all your trials.
I love you, Jesus.