Message from Jesus through John Leary - Tuesday, February 11, 2014 (Our Lady of Lourdes)

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu


Jesus said: “My people, I called the Pharisees hypocrites in the Gospel because they followed their human traditions more than My Commandments. Just as today, people rationalize My laws to make themselves comfortable, instead of striving to do things to satisfy Me out of love. 



Do not make excuses for not coming to church on Sunday, and not coming to Confession. You need to worship Me at Mass, and in your daily prayers, if you want to show your love for Me. You also need to repent of your sins and seek My forgiveness in Confession. The body is influencing the soul to avoid discomforts, but the soul needs to control the body’s wants and desires.



My Commandments are your guidelines to lead a good spiritual life of loving Me and your neighbor as yourself. When someone needs help, you should reach out with your assistance, instead of ignoring them, or making excuses not to help them. When you do good deeds for others, you are storing up treasure in heaven, and you are showing your love for Me in them.”




Publié dans Messages J. Leary

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