Message of JNSR: Pope Benedict XVI from the Church, in releasing his Papal function... has to lead the Church into the shelter ... – March 5, 2013

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu


… pray for My Pope (1) who Is the ship of your spiritual assistance in GOD. I entrust all your souls to him who will follow him in his prayer of protection …






March 5, 2013


  Lord Jesus, I come to ask You to help me in the situation of the departure of our good Pope Benedict XVI from the Church, in releasing his Papal function.


He did what he had to do...

Retiring, he has to lead the Church into the shelter where he was given refuge "in prayer and adoration of GOD”.

Who is the Enemy of the Lord who can enter the living and passionate soul of a son of GOD?

In truth, what is the true Christian who did not recognize him, this shelter where the enemy cannot penetrate?

« He is the shelter of Truth » where the most cunning will never deflect him from the path of His CROIX, he will follow the path forever, and he is continuing to where the CROSS of GOD is waiting.

The deliverance of all My children believing in their Savior Jesus Christ is still in all the pure of heart turned towards prayer and adoration.


Go My child, continue...

·  To praise GOD and His Church
·  To pray with your brothers,

·  To help the poor and above all, love your enemies, in the forgiveness of GOD.

·  And pray for My Pope who Is the ship of your spiritual assistance in GOD. I entrust all your souls to him who will follow him in his prayer of protection.




     †         JNSR listening to Jesus Christ.



Blog: A big question remains for the moment, but  although nothing isn't yet said clearly one may wonder who is the Pope JNSR is talking about in (1), because at the moment of publication of this message,  new Pope's  election has not yet taken place ...

You understand why only God will separate the tares from the wheat in His wheat field ...

He puts in all of us indices in our hearts, it behooves us to stay tuned and especially to pray and read His Word for stay on His path.


I make a small reference on a question asked some time ago by an English-speaking reader:

Blog: « How can the message from JNSR of 12th February be interpreted? It seems rather strange and begins to create big doubts about the authencity.. What does Fr. Melvin think? thank you for commenting.


It seemed as if heaven was not happy about Benedict's decision to leave the Vatican??

Kind regards

George » 

Here the comment from George, discuss between you if you wish.


This comment is ​​in the end of this article:

Révélations de Jésus concernant le Père Melvin Doucette N°2 à Jean-Marie Pelletier – Jeudi 4 octobre 2012

And the rest of blog's note in the end of following article:

Le refus de la Parousie - Père Melvin - Mardi 12 mars 2013… pour ceux qui prétendent que le prochain pape sera un faux pape…



Publié dans Messages JNSR

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