Message of Our Lady of Light via Ned DOUGHERTY - March 2, 2014

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu


St. John the Baptist Eucharistic Chapel, Costa Mesa, California,



At 1:40pm



Our Lady of Light 



My dear son, 

I come to you today with a message of great importance for the people of the world. Your worldly leaders are planning on engaging you, my children, in another bloody world war to solidify their enslavement of all of God’s children on the face of the Earth.


I call upon all of you to resist the attempts of the world leaders to engage in this bloody war. I call upon all of you to refuse to bear arms against your brothers and sisters around the world, who are being so manipulated by these dark leaders, who are in league with the evil one, who is hell bent to bring about this damning conflagration upon God’s children.


Once again, I must call upon the children of God to save the world from its own destruction. I call upon children of all ages to resist this demonic plan of the evil one. Children of all ages must rise up in prayer to prevent an Armageddon of destruction and war to consume all of you.


You must recognize now, that through the history of the world, it is the tyrants at the head of the various powerful governments, who are the instigators and movers of the means of destruction that have caused the deaths of millions of people throughout the modern times, as well as in the ancient times.


It was never the plan of the Father in Heaven that there should be war among His children. These wars have been, and continue to be, promulgated by the leaders of the world, who are causing such death and destruction.


I have appeared to many of you through the ages to warn of the death and destruction proffered by your evilly-inspired leaders, and now I am appearing to you once again. This time the warnings from Your Heavenly Mother are more grave than ever before, because of the technology of the modern world which can now destroy the entire human race in the flash of an instant. This is the ultimate plan of the evil one to destroy all of you. But you are wiser now to your leaders and their plans; more than ever before.


As I had warned before to the children of Fatima, the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart is necessary in these times to assure that the evil one will be broken and to usher in an Era of Peace without the inevitable conflagration that will be waged, if the evil one and his minions get their war.


I call upon all of you now in these End Times to petition the Holy Father, who has been rightfully chosen by the Father in Heaven, to fully implement the Consecration of Russia and the people of Russia to my Immaculate Heart in these times. Allow no confusion to exist of what my intentions are for Russia and its people, who I love dearly.


Recognize that it is not only the warring leaders of the people of Russia, who are at fault in these times. All of the leaders of the world are being lured, mostly knowingly, yet some unwittingly, into implementing a chain of events eventually leading to another world war – a third war conflagration that will surpass all other world wars.


You, my people, do not want these wars which will do nothing but create more destruction and death throughout the world. I know it is difficult for many of you to accept that there are world leaders and global elitists with their self-obsessed interests, who are implementing this plan of world war, because it works in their best interests to evermore increase their power and control over the people of the world.


Now that you know this, you must petition the Pontiff in Rome to make a stand on behalf of the people of the world, who are faithful to My Son Jesus, the Redeemer of the world. The Pontiff in Rome must confirm and reaffirm the Consecration of the people of Russia, as well as the people of the world, to my Immaculate Heart, so there is no doubt that the Church of the Son of God stands firmly against the world leaders, who are promulgating these world wars.


The people of the world must unite in peaceful prayer to turn the tide of evil that is driving you all into an eternal conflagration. The people of the world have the power through their prayers to stop all wars and to usher in an Era of Peace – free at last of the bondage and slavery created by the evil one and his minions.


I ask you in these times to remember my words in prayer to St. Dominic eight centuries ago, when the most powerful prayer of the Rosary was promulgated to all of you, the children of God. Throughout these many centuries, those of you who turned to the powerful prayers of the Rosary were instrumental in preventing wars and ending other wars that the evil one very craftily implemented. Now, the evil one is planning the greatest conflagration to ever engulf humanity, and you must be aware of his plans.


Be ever vigilant now of the End Times events that are taking place, as I had always warned and prophesied to you. Now you hear and see the rumors of war and the threats of war by your leaders, many of whom are the minions of Satan.


The Pontiff in Rome must lead all of you through the power of the Rosary, which is more powerful than any of their weapons of destruction.


Therefore, I call upon you to hear my petition to you to the Pontiff in Rome. I call upon you to pray for the Conversion of Russia and its people as well as the conversion of the whole world. If my prayers and petitions are not answered, death and destruction will follow, just as I had warned in the past.


Yet, I know, my children, that this time you will not fail your Heavenly Mother, my Son the Redeemer of the World, and the Father in Heaven.


We will not desert you in your need. We ask that you consecrate yourselves to saving the world from its own destruction. You must be successful in your prayers in these times. Then, the world will experience a global transformation for the benefit and good of all souls living here on Earth.


The New Heaven and New Earth is my promise to you of the future.




So be it! According to the Father in Heaven!



Our Lady of Light



Message ended 2:05pm





Publié dans Messages Ned Dougherty

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