Message of the Lord via Jabez in Action : Control Your Sexual Appetites - Thursday, 13 June 2013
Satan promises you honors, riches, and glory must he will break his promises to you. All he desires is to take hold of your souls, and to rob you of an eternity of bliss by My side...
Children of My Divine Heart,
I Am that I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am. Rejoice in Me. I desire to abide in you. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender. Give Me permission to transform you into receptacles of mercy, and grace. I Am is offended by man's desire for honors, for riches, for sensations which only lead him to sin.
Millions refuse My instructions. They pretend that all they do is acceptable in My sight. They think that My mercy will shelter them upon their passing. They think that I will now chastise them, and bring them to their knees. O Beloved, you err. You must amend your ways. You must break free from all forms of sin, and control your sexual appetites.
Be pure in thought, and in action. Do not force Me to purify the Earth because of your hardened hearts. I will destroy sin, and recreate all things if I must. Do not doubt My power. Do not doubt My designs for mankind. You were created to bring Me glory. All that you say, think, and do must bring Me glory. Do not be deceived. Satan promises you honors, riches, and glory must he will break his promises to you. All he desires is to take hold of your souls, and to rob you of an eternity of bliss by My side.
Children, be patient with Me. Walk as saints. Do not grow discouraged. I have plans for you. My plans for you are perfect. You would do well to remember this. Remain in My love. Walk in all humility. Obey My commandments, and draw others to Me by your examples.
I leave you My kiss of peace. I bless you now. I command you to Love without condition. Shalom