Message received via Warning from Our Saviour Jesus Chris: Mankind faces final cleansing Thursday, November 11th, 2010

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu


@ 12:20 am



Yes my beloved daughter it is I. You and I will work side by side in preparing the world for the times facing mankind as the earth faces the final cleansing.


It is important that this cleansing takes place for without it there can no eternal life for My children. There will be difficulties facing all My children, especially, My followers for this is part of the battle that must be fought to win souls.


Relax. Let your heart feel My love, My daughter. Accept it is a gift from Me. You may be surprised but I am your family. You are at home with Me in my Kingdom. You now have a job to do. Hold My hand and I will take your mind to guide you to bring My children back to my Sacred Heart. Rest now My child.


Your loving Christ Jesus. Your loving Saviour.

Publié dans Warning-C. Gallagher

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