Messages from Jesus Given to a Chosen Child in Chicago - June 28, 2012 (9:58am)
Tell My beloved children not to get discouraged by the Supreme Court Decision handed down today. There are evil men on the court who have been bought by the powers behind the scenes but remember who is in control My children. This can and will be turned around and you won’t lose your Freedom of Religion and it won’t be mandated in other areas. Trust in Me My children. I won’t disappoint you. I know it looks like all is lost, but there is more to come that will change this outcome. Oh, My children, be of good cheer and don’t doubt for a minute where these messages are coming from. You must believe that I won’t let you down. You were told that your prayers are being heard and that all will be well in the future. That hasn’t changed. There are more people praying now than before due to these messages. Don’t doubt My children just keep trusting. My dear ones, this hasn’t changed the importance of getting a good moral man to run your country. Now more than ever he needs your prayers. Don’t forget a miracle will take place that won’t be stopped by anyone. Be at peace My dear ones and believe these messages.
I love you, Jesus.