Prayer Request

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu





I always want to say that praying for others is an act of Christian charity which is pleasing to the Lord, however, the applicant cannot be satisfied with the prayer of brothers because even though God may act at the request of another, the own request of the interested is essential because act of faith and humility.


Moreover, other small precision, when we have no first or last name from that for which we wish to pray, it is not an obstacle, God Himself knows.


Sometimes I tell this, I pray you Father for this person for whom so-and-so requested me, for the girl or (?) of so-and-so, for this person whom I met and who seemed in full distress, or who at this moment prays you in front of the altar, etc..

God even before we acted, knows what we intend to do, also if a person dies before he could concretize an act, this person can benefit from its intention not acted ; if it is death that has prevented her to do it.


We sin by thinking ... we can be as merciful by thought, speech, action, and even by omission  (if it is done out of respect for the Word and it don't harm and don't show a lack of compassion for the other) otherwise as the selfish thought, word, act, selfish inactivity is guilty.


Gaétan solicits our intercession in his favor

For all those who can demonstrate their compassion towards him, here's what we said Gaétan:


I'd like to have me pray


I would like that we pray for me to liberation and so that is solved big problems particular that I have for years.




Let God come to comfort you, to enlighten you and to make increase in you the faith so that in spite of the adventures, the trials of life, you kept strongly and strengthened in you your confidence and your hope in the Lord.

Let Our Lord Miséricordieux grants you all the graces which He wants for you so that under His Light you you reached with His help to accept all the crosses of your existence leading you to Him, and that He takes away from you all the bad spirits.

And Let Our Trinitarian God blesses you, as well as all those who join your prayer, so that everything is made for, into, and with, you and your family, relatives and friends according to the Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy mind. AMEN!



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POUVEZ-VOUS PRIER POuR UNE FAMILLE UKRAINIENNE A KIEV:<br /> <br /> anastasia et oksana, la maman , veuve<br /> Que Dieu les guerisse de leur maladie et les protege contre tout peche sexuel, tentation ou adultere//car elles ont des problemes d'argent<br /> egalement que Jesus-Christ les protege contre le mal<br /> <br /> merci mille fois> > que Jesus le Seigneur <br /> intercede aupres de Dieu pour que nastia guerisse vite et se tourne vers Dieu<br /> <br /> <br /> Aujourd'hui ioulia la grand-mere est malade<br /> que Dieu la guerisse<br /> <br /> svp: envoyer cette priere a vos eglises et groupes de priere
POUVEZ-VOUS PRIER POuR UNE FAMILLE UKRAINIENNE A KIEV:<br /> <br /> anastasia et oksana, la maman , veuve<br /> Que Dieu les guerisse de leur maladie et les protege contre tout peche sexuel, tentation ou adultere//car elles ont des problemes d'argent<br /> egalement que Jesus-Christ les protege contre le mal<br /> <br /> merci mille fois> > que Jesus le Seigneur <br /> intercede aupres de Dieu pour que nastia guerisse vite et se tourne vers Dieu<br /> <br /> <br /> Aujourd'hui ioulia la grand-mere est malade<br /> que Dieu la guerisse<br /> <br /> svp: envoyer cette priere a vos eglises et groupes de priere