Sharing by Dory Tan - January 4th, 2014 in Marmora…

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu



Sharing by Dory Tan on January 4th, 2014 in Marmora 

When we started our prayers today at the Statue of St. Padre Pio, Dory said that St. Padre Pio asked her to have everyone say the act of contrition before we started the rosary. This was the first time that we had been asked to do this. We would understand this later at the Tenth Station.




  At the Tenth Station Dory shared this with us;



Dory began today by wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and peace to everyone and their families in this year and many more years to come.


Dory said that when Our Blessed Mother appeared today She had such a beautiful smile. She is thanking all of us here for the sacrifice that we have made in coming here today. Our Blessed Mother said; "I can see now how much all of you are willing to do to go to Heaven. Making this sacrifice to come here today was not easy." Dory said that even though we are only a few here today the graces that we received from Jesus and Our Blessed Mother were many. We have made Them very happy.


Our Blessed Mother is repeating to us again that it is not easy to go to Heaven. We have to make sacrifices to get there. Our Blessed Mother said; "I was watching all of you walking to this special station where I appear and I know it is not easy for you. I promise that when you get to Heaven you will forget how hard it was to make this sacrifice. Through this sacrifice that you have made today, when the time comes, I promise I will bring you to Heaven. You must do your part and continue the way you are today. I have taken all of your sins of the past and given them to My Son Jesus." What a beautiful gift we have been given today by making this small sacrifice.


Always remember this day and the promise from Our Blessed Mother to bring us to Heaven, as long as we continue to do our part. Do not be afraid to make a small sacrifice. This is nothing compared to what Jesus did for all of us by giving His life for our sins.


Dory said that Our Blessed Mother has reminded us today to not ignore our blessed candles. She said to have them prepared because we will need them at any time. She is also asking us to treasure the candle that is our Light. This Light is Our Lord Jesus with us until the end.


Dory wants to thank everyone for their prayers and support over these past years. She promises to continue to keep all of us in her prayers every day. She has given her life to Jesus and Our Blessed Mother to carry all that They have asked of her, to pray and make sacrifices to save souls throughout the whole world.


Dory hopes and prays that we will not get tired and will continue the way we are, so that one day we will be with Jesus and Our Blessed Mother forever in Heaven.


Dory ends by saying; “God bless us all.” 







NOTICE :  The next pilgrimage from Montreal to Marmora will be on February 1st, 201. Price is 35$ in a coach bus of 56 passengers.  Call Jean-Claude Papin tel. 450-970-1659.  Thank you!!!



Publié dans Messages D.Tan Marmora

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