Paul in Thessalonica - Father Melvin - August 21, 2014 – I bless you … who are opened to do what I ask of you

Publié le par monSeigneur et monDieu


… I am always there to help you so please listen to Me or the one I have sent you to guide you when there is trouble. If you follow My advice you indeed will be protected …



New data by Father Melvin



A lady from near Charlottetown, PEI, asked me to come to her house and to celebrate Holy Mass there and hear her confession. She suffered from Ovarian Cancer. I went to her home and gave her the Sacrament of Confession and celebrated Holy Mass and then I prayed with her that the Lord would removed her cancer. One week later she had a Cat scan and the report stated that the tumors had become necrotic which means dying tissue as from a burn. I thank the Lord for healing her.

PS. We had a beautiful day on Wednesday and I thank the Lord.


Paul in Thessalonica


A reading from the Acts of the Apostles 17, 1 – 9:

When Paul and Silas took the road through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they reached Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews. Following his usual custom, Paul joined them, and for three sabbaths he entered into discussions with them from the Scriptures, expounding and demonstrating that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the dead, and that “This is the Messiah, Jesus, whom I proclaim to you.” Some of them were convinced and joined Paul and Silas; so, too, a great number of Greeks who were worshipers, and not a few of the prominent women. But the Jews became jealous and recruited some worthless men loitering in the public square, formed a mob, and set the city in turmoil. They march on the house of Jason, intending to bring them before the people’s assembly. When they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brothers before the city magistrates shouting, “These people who have been creating a disturbance all over the world have now come here, and Jason has welcomed them. They all act in opposition to the decrees of Caesar and claim instead that there is another king, Jesus.” They stirred up the crowd and the city magistrates who, upon hearing these charges, took a surety payment from Jason and the others before releasing them.


Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,


“I bless you My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters who are opened to listen to Me and to do what I ask of you. See Paul and Silas who were in Thessalonica and the troublemakers came to the house where they were staying to arrest them. However, they did not find them there. Instead they arrested the owner of the house and other brothers. They brought them to the magistrates and made all kinds of statements which were not true. The Jews had selected some worthless men to cause trouble in the city and turn the people against Paul and Silas. During that night the believers told Paul and Silas to leave the city and go somewhere else or they would be arrested. So they left and went to another town.

St. Paul and Silas listened to the believers as they were speaking the truth and they were safe in another town. I am always there to help you so please listen to Me or the one I have sent you to guide you when there is trouble. If you follow My advice you indeed will be protected. I love you all.”




Publié dans Messages P.Doucette

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